Breaking Stereotypes

Why is it that we are raised in a particular background with particular sets of things that guys are supposed to do and that girls are supposed to do. Who set this set of differences  in  chores  between  genders? And why are these being carried from generation to generation? There has to be a time when it stops. From childhood itself ‘pink’ is the colour for a girl and ‘blue’ is the one for a boy. Why is that so? Boys are supposed to play with trucks and cars while girls are to play with dolls and kitchen sets. Boys are supposed to go out and work and the girls are supposed to stay back and take care of the household (not in every case). Girls are called qualitative while boys are called quantitative. Today, I wanna talk about the boys and everything they go through because even their voices need to be heard and amplified! (This is just because I’ve seen many people raising their voices of how girls struggle for this issue but not many for the boys <3) The soci...

Journey To Self-Love

I think there comes a phase in everybody’s life where they feel like everything’s falling apart, when they feel like there is no one standing with them or for them anymore. In such a situation where you feel stuck and taped with your loneliness, I suggest you start practicing self-love! It’s not that you should follow self-love only under such circumstances but I think that at this point you’d be able to give whatever you have to “YOURSELF”.

First things first, you are not selfish for choosing your mental health
over other peoples’ toxicity and dramas. It is completely fine if you know that a person is not good for your mental health and so you choose to stay away from them. It is okay if you know something or someone can hurt you so you distance yourself from them. IT IS NOT SELFISH. I cannot stress this enough but you’re not selfish for choosing you before anyone else.
Secondly, you gotta believe in yourself as much as you would’ve believed in someone you loved. Sometimes we even fake compliment someone just so that they don’t get hurt or to acknowledge their efforts(I am not saying it’s wrong or right) but then why can’t you appreciate yourself for everything you’ve been through? The power of self-love is so potent that you might not need (not want) anyone else to love you. Be confident, tell yourself “I’m beautiful/handsome”. Stand in front of the mirror and count 3 things that you love about yourself and if you cannot, ask your parents you’ll find a plenty of things that you’re superb at!


“Am I worth it?”

“I don’t think I’m good enough”

“I feel like I’m completely useless”

“Everything’s falling apart, I’m losing everything and I think it’s because of me”

“Nobody loves me”

“I want to give up”


These are some thoughts that can kill you from inside, and so you need to get rid of them. I know it’s not easy (especially for over-thinkers like me) but, engaging yourself in activities and imbibing positive thoughts can help to a great extent (just give it a try guys). I know it’ll be hard and it’ll take time but it sure as hell will be WORTH IT! Because after all, the changes that you bring in yourself are gonna be there with you forever (you cannot leave you like others may do ;) The time and efforts that you invest in other people, invest even the half of it in yourself and you’ll see what wonders you can do.


                “Everybody has flaws

Everybody has issues

But you don’t have to remorse

You don’t have to execrate you

You are enough for anything you want to do

So just find your Motivation

Set your Goals

And come through.”

-Suhani Bansal


“Your nose is the right shape. Your skin is the right shade. Your lips, hand and feet are the right size. Your height is perfect and so is your natural hair colour and texture. Your voice and laugh are perfect. Everything you dislike about yourself is just in your head.” I read this somewhere and I think anyone who has ever doubted themselves should too. Beauty comes from within, you start feeling it when you love yourself, when you are confident in your own skin.


I could write a whole book to make you feel good about you but the feeling will last only when you start doing it for yourself. You are not being selfish but you’re FINALLY  doing something for yourself. The efforts that you put in for yourself and the love that you shower on yourself is gonna stick with you forever.  BECAUSE AFTER ALL, WHEN IT IS RAINING ALL AROUND YOU GOTTA BE YOUR OWN SUNSHINE.


  1. Inspiring
    Keep the posts coming, Don't stop even if the numbers decrease!

  2. Best πŸ‘πŸ» keep it up ❤

  3. Well i can write a whole book about you so that you feel extraordinarily special....just like u made me feel from these befitting linesss😍😍😍😍😍

  4. Amazing as always suhani. Speechless bro, love itπŸ’•πŸ”₯

  5. Amazing as always suhani. Speechless bro, love itπŸ’•πŸ”₯

  6. Wow girl!!!! This is just so amazing while reading this, half of me just fall for myself along with these beautiful lines you into it. Inspite of wasting efforts on people start working on yourself more cause people can't fulfill our expectations but we, we as an individual as a person as a soul could! Loving yourself isn't selfish it's just inspite of others you love yourself the most, you believe and expect the most from yourself and then achieve it in any cost!
    Hurrah!!! Girl I'm falling for your writings 😍

  7. Each line provoked a different me. Loved it ✨

  8. Amazinggg girl!! chills through my spine...keep goin❤❤

  9. Whoa this is so inspiring ❤ I really love it❤❤

  10. Whoa😍😍 this is so inspiring 🀩🀩πŸ”₯❤ I really love it😍😍❤❤

  11. Loved the work.. Woahhhhh ❤😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  12. Really enjoyed reading it. You really have a way with words. Every line oozes truth. Can't wait for the next one.❤️

  13. Literally speechless can just imagine the amount of time and effort you put to make your passion come true. Keep following what your heart says as you're doing a wonderful task to spread positivity and motivation people. Best Wishes!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This is so beautiful and comforting to read!!❤️❤️❤️

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. My confidence just said πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Wow !! πŸ‘Œ Truly said πŸ€“πŸ€“


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