Breaking Stereotypes
Why is it that we are raised in a particular background with particular sets of things that guys are supposed to do and that girls are supposed to do. Who set this set of differences in chores between genders? And why are these being carried from generation to generation? There has to be a time when it stops. From childhood itself ‘pink’ is the colour for a girl and ‘blue’ is the one for a boy. Why is that so? Boys are supposed to play with trucks and cars while girls are to play with dolls and kitchen sets. Boys are supposed to go out and work and the girls are supposed to stay back and take care of the household (not in every case). Girls are called qualitative while boys are called quantitative. Today, I wanna talk about the boys and everything they go through because even their voices need to be heard and amplified! (This is just because I’ve seen many people raising their voices of how girls struggle for this issue but not many for the boys <3) The soci...